Wednesday 15 May 2013

SQL filetype commands not working in vim (filetype detected correctly) -

SQL filetype commands not working in vim (filetype detected correctly) -

there various features fo sql filetype plugin mentioned in helpfile not seem work me. have installed next files in right places (all called sql.vim)

syntax - ftplugin -

was necessary? syntax highlighting correct, should in help files default require downloading plugins?

anyway, example, functions [[,]],[] , ][ not work described, , :sqlsettype not recognised command. need more enable these?

thank in advance help

the sql syntax , filetype plugins david fishburn indeed distributed vim runtime; need install them ~/.vim/ directory if want newer version delivered current vim version. (so usually, no.)

if syntax working filetype definitions aren't, you're missing

:filetype plugin indent on

in ~/.vimrc. can check :scriptnames output , :verbose nmap ]].

sql vim

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