Wednesday 15 May 2013

ruby on rails - Why is everything in my database (create and update times, topic_id, post_id) displaying in my view? -

ruby on rails - Why is everything in my database (create and update times, topic_id, post_id) displaying in my view? -

i'm new programming , have been learning ruby on rails 6 weeks. i've added commenting functionality app, , while comments beingness displayed properly, else in (sqlite3) database associated comment - created_at, updated_at, comment_id, post_id. partial displays comments has next code:

<%= form_for [post, comment] |f| %> <p><%= @comments.each |comment| %></p> <small> <p><%= comment.body %></p> </small> <% end %> <% end %>

as can see, i'm trying display comment body, i'm displaying everything.

here create method comments controller:

def create @post = post.find(params[:post_id]) @comment = = @post authorize @comment if flash[:notice] = "comment created" redirect_to [@post.topic, @post] else flash[:error] = "comment failed save" redirect_to [@post.topic, @post] end end end

i'm not sure why everyting displaying if i'm calling .body on comment. i've researched problem haven't found anything. help appreciated.

here prepare :-

<%= form_for [post, comment] |f| %> <!-- here removed `=` `<%` %> --> <p><% @comments.each |comment| %></p> <small> <p><%= comment.body %></p> </small> <% end %> <% end %>

#each returns collection when block finished total iteration. now, used <%= ..%>, printing homecoming value of #each. if <%..%>, wouldn't print although @comments.each still returning @comments collection.

ruby-on-rails sqlite3 erb

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