Wednesday 15 May 2013

javascript - Dojo build module dependencies -

javascript - Dojo build module dependencies -

i'm trying utilize dojo builder build single file includes modules application needs, without application itself.

here illustration layer definition.

layers: { 'dojo/dojo': { include: [ 'myapp/main' ], boot: true, custombase: true } }

as far understand, definition builder looks @ modules used in main.js , combines them 1 file main.js.

what i'm trying archive create single file without main.js.

that means 1 file dojo modules application depending on.

have thought how that?


actually, config creating file you're looking - it's called dojo/dojo.js.

you'll see in config - that's layer name for. right now, you're creating layer called dojo/dojo.js, custombase boot layer, , includes myapp/main , dependencies.


apologies, read "without main.js" "without dojo's main.js".

unfortunately you've stumbled on limitation of build scripts - can't "include dependencies, exclude modules matching x".

in case, solution manually list application's dependencies in layer.

if you're running development web server, consider adding alerting dojo/ dojox/ dijit/ etc. help identify modules you're missing configuration.

javascript dojo

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