Wednesday 15 May 2013

python 3.x - 'module' does not support the buffer interface -

python 3.x - 'module' does not support the buffer interface -

from pil import image, imagesequence import glob images2gif import writegif fn0 = glob.glob('*.jpg') im = [ filename in fn0] writegif('1.gif', im, duration=0.1 ) #file "" line 578 #gifwriter.writegiftofile(fp,images,duration,loops,xy,dispose) #file "" line 439 #fp.write(globalpalette) #error: 'module' not back upwards buffer interface

i used module images2gif on winpython, , i've installed imageio before it. don't know error comes from. using latest images2gif module :


writegif wants open, writable file (or acts it), rather string representing name of file.

maybe work better?

with open('1.gif') fp: writegif(fp, im, duration=0.1 )

python-3.x python-imaging-library

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