Thursday 15 August 2013

php - Escaping variables globally -

php - Escaping variables globally -

to results of queries utilize next methods:

$result = $this->getentitymanager()->createquery($dql)->getresult();

where $dql variable dql query string. problem when add together apostrophe in query string's variable, instance:

select * users login = 'foo's'

which in reality typing foo's string in input, gives me symfony error because query string not escaped.

how can solve issue?

i have lot of getresult() methods in project, , lot of queries, don't want alter whole concept of writing queries.

is there way that?

best solution: rewrite queries :bindvariables. rookie solution: create onkernelrequest event , modify in request object worst solution: modify $_post, $_get , recreate request globals in app.php

p.s. no queries outside repositiories:)

php mysql symfony2 doctrine2

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