Thursday 15 May 2014

merge - Merging streams in scala -

merge - Merging streams in scala -

i need help merging 2 streams one. output has follows:

(elem1list1#elem1list2, elem2list1#elem2list2...)

and function breaks if of streams empty

def mergestream(a: stream[a], b: stream[a]):stream[a] = if (a.isempty || b.isempty) nil else (a,b) match { case(x#::xs, y#::ys) => x#::y }

any clue how prepare it?

you can zip 2 streams together, truncate longer stream, , flatmap them out of tuples: { case (a, b) => stream(a, b) }

though cannot speak it's efficiency.

scala> val = stream(1,2,3,4) a:[int] = stream(1, ?) scala> val b = stream.from(3) b:[int] = stream(3, ?) scala> val c = { case (a, b) => stream(a, b) }.take(10).tolist c: list[int] = list(1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6)

scala merge stream

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