Thursday 15 May 2014

Redis can't persist on Centos 7 -

Redis can't persist on Centos 7 -

here's situation ; i'm building vms on amazon , trying install , run redis on them. fine ubuntu ; however, have issues centos 7. installation fine, when seek run redis error :

*** fatal config file error *** reading configuration file, @ line 554 'aof-load-truncated yes' bad directive or wrong number of arguments

so, line problem. saw people having same kind of error, seems related redis version. yet took lastly .conf file official depo, 2.8.x version ... anyway, if comment line, redis starts. but, won't persist info (which bit problematic) ! message whenever. set value redis-cli :

(error) misconf redis configured save rdb snapshots, not able persist on disk. commands may modify info set disabled. please check redis logs details error.

i understand there's wrong persistence, can't find solution this.

i tried run redis on centos 6.5 , got same error person : redis tcp-backlog

voila. i'm origin redis, may hence missing pretty simple.if has idea, gladly hear :)

i had similar error

(error) misconf redis configured save rdb snapshots, not able persist on disk. commands may modify info set disabled. please check redis logs details error.

what worked me solution suggested on question here.

basically due low memory there error during bgsave , entire persistence stopped. next settings worked me.

set vm.overcommit_memory = 1 config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no

also read redis persistence docs , blog post.

redis centos

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