Thursday 15 January 2015

c# - How to prevent Visual Studio from adding SAK to prj files -

c# - How to prevent Visual Studio from adding SAK to prj files -

i want next gone prj files:

<sccprojectname>sak</sccprojectname> <scclocalpath>sak</scclocalpath> <sccauxpath>sak</sccauxpath> <sccprovider>sak</sccprovider>

i using source command explorer , not want bindings metadata in prj , sln files.

no matter do, have removed bindings via file -> source command -> advanced - alter source control, , manually removed scc stuff prj , sln files, visual studio keeps altering prj files , sln file when opening solution.

part of solution might involve altering registry, hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\visualstudio\11.0\sourcecontrol alwaysaddprojectslocatedoutsideofsolutiontree changing 0 stopped 18 of 28 prjs getting auto updated scc stuff opening solution.

another thing tried prevent visual studio reloading sln , prj files after removing bindings. visual studio detected edits sln , prjs , effort reload, including on checkin if kind of automerge executed.

a part of solution me when removed bindings on sln, tfs of sudden treat sln not latest. when commit clean sln without scc bindings, automerge occur bringing scc bindings part of latest on tfs server.

so part of attempted solution utilize notepad edit sln, ignore prompts reload visual studio, , checkout edit in source command explorer until tfs 1 time again recognized work space version have latest sln. checkout edit did not work first time treat sln latest in workspace version sec time did.

so worked @ first, solution bindings removed, until added existing project, part of solution before , did have scc info in it, , added source command bindings sln file , other related projects.

well can is nasty. part of solution prevent visual studio reloading sln , prj files after removing bindings. visual studio detected edits sln , prjs , effort reload, including on checkin if kind of automerge executed.

part of solution might involve altering registry, hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\visualstudio\11.0\sourcecontrol alwaysaddprojectslocatedoutsideofsolutiontree changing 0 stopped 18 of 28 prjs getting auto updated scc stuff opening solution.

a part of solution me when removed bindings on sln, tfs of sudden treat sln not latest. when commit clean sln without scc bindings, automerge occur bringing scc bindings part of latest on tfs server.

so part of solution utilize notepad edit sln, ignore prompts reload visual studio, , checkout edit in source command explorer until tfs 1 time again recognized work space version have latest sln. checkout edit did not work first time treat sln latest in workspace version sec time did.

after , of import , straight forwards part of solution lies. remove bindings, might have done that, save all. alter source command plugin none in visual studio options,now close solution. open sln in notepad , create sure there no scc stuff. delete solution level .suo. open sln again, should have no bindings , should have pending changes commit sln , or of prj files in source command explorer , warning saying have no source command plugin set. finally, go source command options , set team foundation server source control. commit sln , prj files scc stuff removed.

c# visual-studio-2012

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