Thursday 15 January 2015

string - Java problems while working with file -

string - Java problems while working with file -

i've got problems trying delete string subsequence \u000.

firstly, read bytes [] file string string str = new string(bytes, "utf8"); str equals \u0004word means 4word. 4 length of word word. need convert regular 4words. replaceall("\u000", "");, replaceall("\\\\u000", "") etc doesn't work. how that?

void fillingstorage() throws exception{ path path = paths.get(system.getproperty("db.file"));//that's file byte[] info = files.readallbytes(path); string str = new string(data, "utf8"); system.out.println(str); string res = str.replaceall("i don't know write here cos nil i've tried works"); return; }

update! firstly, fill hashmap key -> value , key1 -> value1. write in file bytes. when seek convert string , print see: key value key1 value1 instead of 3key 5value 4key1 6value1. suprisingly if @ string print see smth that: \u0003key \u0005value etc... looks string contains these numbers java can't print them.

this how write bytes in file:

dataoutputstream stream = new dataoutputstream(new fileoutputstream(system.getproperty("db.file"), true)); (map.entry<string, string> entry : storage.entryset()) { byte[] byteskey = entry.getkey().getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8); stream.write((int)byteskey.length);//it disappears! stream.write(byteskey); byte[] bytesval = entry.getvalue().getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8); stream.write((integer)bytesval.length);//disappears too! stream.write(bytesval); } stream.close();

first of all, requirement not phone call regular expressions, should have used replace() instead.

second, \uxxxx character literal syntax in java, not clear have characters \ u 0 0 0 in string; much more logical byte array starts single byte equal 4, string length.

in case should discard initial byte array when converting string, using constructor accepts offset , len arguments.

if happen indeed have chars in string, 1 time again using substring rid of initial 6 characters should need.

java string replace replaceall

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