Thursday 15 January 2015

c# - WPF Button content to Textbox -

c# - WPF Button content to Textbox -

i'm trying create calculator , first time coding using gui

i'm using visual studio 2012 wpf using c# application

how button content calculator textbox (screen) ?


<button x:name="one" style="{staticresource {x:static toolbar.buttonstylekey}}" foreground="white" fontsize="20" fontweight="bold" width="50" height="41" content="1" margin="31,350,491,64" click="button_click" horizontalalignment="left" verticalalignment="bottom"/>


private void button_click(object sender, eventargs e) { button b = (button)sender; screen.text = screen.text + b.text; }

it underlines text next b.

error 1 '' not contain definition 'text' , no extension method 'text' accepting first argument of type '' found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?)

time larn msdn! here page button class. notice there no text property, there content property. have cast string content of type object.

screen.text = screen.text + b.content.tostring();

note simplify code to:

screen.text += b.content.tostring();

c# wpf xaml button textbox

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