Sunday 15 February 2015

cypher - Neo4J Write: CPU at 100% when there is a lot of write -

cypher - Neo4J Write: CPU at 100% when there is a lot of write -

i ran around 3k write queries in around 1 minutes, cpu hits 100%. here jstack log: jstack when cpu @ 100%.

can tell me going on jstack logs,so can optimize writes?

i using node.js neo4j client(runs on m3.xlarge aws instance) write changes.

thank you.

your trace looks ok, few threads busy reading things.

it garbage collection induced cpu spikes or else that's not visible in stacks.

can share (type of) statements run?

for queries:

only merge on 1 label make sure have index / constraint each :label(property) merge or match on if match on property have :label , index it:

you might want add together generic :node label if working generic guids time

create index on :node(guid); create index on :book(id); 'merge (u:node{guid:{guid}})', 'set{name}, u:book' 'merge (u:node {guid:{guid}})', 'set{name}, u.sub_type={sub_type}, u:home:area' // sure mean :book(id) not :book(guid) ? 'match ( e:node {guid:{guid}} ), (m:book{id:{id}})', 'merge (e)<-[r:member]-(m)', 'return r'

neo4j cypher node-neo4j

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