Sunday 15 February 2015

java - Converting between different keycodes -

java - Converting between different keycodes -

im working on little game. before have started game have jframe can setup controllers. im using java built-in keylistener , works great. problem occurs when im starting game , settings youve made doesn't work.

the game uses lwjgl api , slick2d api , keycode when im checking buttonpresses different keycodes built in keylistener.

a list of keycodes slick uses. can see different list

is there way convert between these two?

i tried adding constant can see wont work.

i appreciate every reply :)

i made little solution now. simple maybe not effiecent works. took time though

i made little list utilize conversion. bugs pretty easy fix.

backspace 8 14 space 32 57 tab 9 15 come in 13 28 enter2 10 28 shift 16 42 ctrl 17 29 alt 18 56 pause 19 197 caps 20 58 escape 27 1 pgup 33 201 pgdo 34 209 end 35 207 home 36 199 left 37 203 38 200 right 39 205 downwards 40 208 insert2 155 210 delete 127 211 0 48 11 1 49 2 2 50 3 3 51 4 4 5 5 5 53 6 6 54 7 7 55 8 8 56 9 9 57 10 65 30 b 66 48 c 67 46 d 68 32 e 69 18 f 70 33 g 71 34 h 72 35 73 23 j 74 36 k 75 37 l 76 38 m 77 50 n 78 49 o 79 24 p 80 25 q 81 16 r 82 19 s 83 31 t 84 20 u 85 22 v 86 47 w 87 17 x 88 45 y 89 21 z 90 44 Å 16777413 27 Ä 16777412 40 Ö 16777430 41 lwk 91 219 rwk 92 220 windows 524 219 select 93 221 numpad0 96 82 numpad1 97 79 numpad2 98 80 numpad3 99 81 numpad4 100 75 numpad5 101 76 numpad6 102 77 numpad7 103 71 numpad8 104 72 numpad9 105 73 multiply 106 55 add together 107 78 subtract 109 74 decimal 110 83 split 111 181 f1 112 59 f2 113 60 f3 114 61 f4 115 62 f5 116 63 f6 117 64 f7 118 65 f8 119 66 f9 120 67 f10 121 68 f11 122 87 f12 123 88 f13 124 100 f14 125 101 f15 126 102 numlock 144 69 scrollock2 145 70 semicolon 186 39 equalsign 187 13 comma 188 51 comma2 44 51 dash 189 12 period 190 52 period2 46 52 forwardslash 191 53 grave 192 41 openbracket 219 26 backslash 220 43 closebraket 221 27 singlequote 222 40 § 16777383 43 less 153 -1 deadacute 129 -1 plus 521 13 minus 45 12 deaddiaeresis 135 144

java converter lwjgl keycode

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