Sunday 15 February 2015

php - How to access one controller action inside another controller action? -

php - How to access one controller action inside another controller action? -

i using cakephp-2.x. have 1 function name user_info() in userscontroller.php want access in controller name messagescontroller.php

code -


public function user_info(){ $user_id=$this->session->read(''); $data=$this->user->findbyid($user_id); $this->set('user_info',$data); }


public function index(){ //$userinfo=new userscontroller(); //$userinfo->user_info(); $this->user_info(); pr($data); }

error message-

fatal error error: phone call undefined method messagescontroller::user_info() file: e:\xampp\htdocs\2014\myshowcam\msc\app\controller\messagescontroller.php line: 18 notice: if want customize error message, create app\view\errors\fatal_error.ctp

typically if you're trying access function in 1 controller controller have fundamental flaw in project's logic.

but in general object usage thus:

$othercontroller = new whatevermycontrollernameis(); $othercontroller->functionname();

however i'm not familiar plenty cake tell pitfalls of doing such thing. illustration have no thought routes or other variables/objects required initialize controller correctly.


ref: cakephp 2.3.8: calling controller function in croncontroller.php

app::import('controller', 'products'); // mention @ top // instantiation // mention within cron function $products = new productscontroller; // phone call method $products->controllerfunction();

php cakephp

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