Wednesday 15 April 2015

cypher - How to list out all the nodes which are having common properties in neo4j -

cypher - How to list out all the nodes which are having common properties in neo4j -

i'm having 4 nodes a,b,c,d having next properties,

a:{works_in:"wipro"},{designation:"se"} b:{works_in:"cts"},{designation:"sse"} c:{works_in:"cgi"},{designation:"se"} d:{works_in:"uhg"},{designation:"sse"}

now want display nodes having similar properties either works_in/designation

you can seek like:

match (a:yourlabel) match (b:yourlabel) <> b , (b.works_in = a.work_in or b.designation = a.designation) homecoming a, collect(b) similar

this match nodes , utilize each node source new query. a <> b stop nodes matching themselves.

neo4j cypher graph-databases

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