Wednesday 15 April 2015

Tag Manager Cross Domain Tracking with Classic Analytics -

Tag Manager Cross Domain Tracking with Classic Analytics -

have lot of client sites utilize similar scheme of primary domain external checkout software hosted elsewhere. analytics filled self-referrals primary domain. example.

i have primary domain in have entire control. has google tag manager implementation using universal analytics. secondary domain, booking system, uses classic analytics.

i have no command on how analytics on booking scheme implemented (aside setting tracking id), developers setup utilize cross-domain tracking. implementation has:

_gaq.push(['_setaccount', 'ua-67867867-1']); _gaq.push(['_setdomainname', '']); _gaq.push(['_setallowlinker', true]); _gaq.push(['_setcookiepath', '/properties/abcd']); _gaq.push(['_trackpageview']); _gaq.push(['_cookiepathcopy', '/reservations/abcd/']);

my understanding need configure gtm mirror these settings per "inconsistent tracking code configuration" directions at:

in gtm, "allow linker" set true. "auto link domains" has ",", seems pointless gtm not on sec domain. "cookie domain" auto.

self-referrals still happen. missing?

unfortunately, cross domain implementations in analytics.js , ga.js incompatible each other. booking scheme need upgrade analytics.js (or need downgrade ga.js).

to rid of referrals booking system, follow these instructions:

google-analytics cross-domain google-tag-manager

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