Wednesday 15 April 2015

Travis sudo is disabled -

Travis sudo is disabled -

i want utilize apt install packages test, however, fails due sudo disabled. found next in test output:

sudo, firefox addon, setuid , setgid have been disabled.

it seems output comes this line in travic-ci, setting paranoid_mode false in .travis.yml not work.

how enable sudo access?

ps: using private repo.

edit: next .travis.yml fail due sudo: must setuid root when running sudo apt-get update -qq

language: python python: - "3.4" before_install: - sudo apt-get update -qq script: - nosetests

setting sudo: true and/or paranoid_mode: false not work.

sudo access turned off on our docker based architecture, used in 2 contexts:

repositories opt in using sudo: true in .travis.yml file (it additionally needs turned on on our side) on our educational programme (see

builds running on our docker based architecture cannot allowed sudo access due security concerns in lxc/docker layer. hope fixed in near future, unfortunately issue out of our own hands.

we working on improving firefox addon, uses sudo itself, shouldn't. we'll post on our blog 1 time has happened.


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