Wednesday 15 April 2015

javascript - How to update source codes of a phonegap application from server -

javascript - How to update source codes of a phonegap application from server -

i have been developing phonegap applications need create updates oftenly. problem pushing new ipa itune store take long. so, uploaded application source codes(minified javascript) server , download application , "eval" minified js files. sense using eval has limitations , not right way. so, can tell me right way accomplish this. give thanks much.

i'd love have well. you're ahead of me w/your eval() approach - i'd have same concerns there. here's i'm aware out there on topic - hope helps?


i caught wind of 1 - not sure how feasible it claims we'd like. have main site looks bit flaky definitly checking out see if it's feasible or not.


hockeyapp (possibly dead-end now). thought there used pretty clear solution phonegap devs integrate hockeyapp api/feature set mobile apps recent google search on turning much less think - maybe it's dead end now?


this requires more work , haven't pushed far plenty yet see if means of updating app post-app-store-deployment. based on what i've read if you're updating code webview shouldn't have worry app store rejection or anything. related tutorial

testflight app testing (apple)

i haven't gotten play w/this yet sounds promising @ to the lowest degree beta/testing phase of development. i, you, need solution end-users, not app testers, i'll still looking might replace me having maintain own over-the-air app installs best/testing periods.

javascript cordova

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