Wednesday 15 April 2015

xaml - Button and .resw idea Windows Phone 8.1 -

xaml - Button and .resw idea Windows Phone 8.1 -

i have button , want content loaded name .resw file. know can alter in page class or in class possible in xaml default option?

my button:

<button content="" horizontalalignment="left" margin="84,480,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="220" height="42" foreground="#ff0e0e0e"/>

thanks in advance!

you can set x:uid attribute string in resw file.

<button x:uid="sendbutton" />

the key entry in resw file should this:


you can add together path resource file in case have multiple files

<button x:uid="/forms/sendbutton"/>

the i18n scheme introduced winrt totally flexible. suggest reading next article more details:

xaml windows-phone-8 windows-phone-8.1

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