Wednesday 15 July 2015 - How to reload another frame after postback? - - How to reload another frame after postback? -

i have 2 frames in .net app (frame1 , frame2). in frame2, have button switch 1 language 1 , works fine within frame -> postback done, language switched , page reloads in other language. problem there localized buttons in other frame (frame1) not refresh. how , should trigger refresh of frame1 ?

sorry maybe not beingness clear, i'm still newbie in frames...

the thought phone call iframe parent window, there function reload frames parent (main window) contains , refresh them.

for illustration can have function on top window, contains iframe, handle refresh on iframes.

function reloadrestframes(butnotme) { if(butnotme != 'iframe_a_id') document.getelementbyid('iframe_a_id').contentwindow.location.reload(); if(butnotme != 'iframe_b_id') document.getelementbyid('iframe_b_id').contentwindow.location.reload(); }

then frame create post phone call on load as:


and create iframes (except 1 create call) on same page reload.

related: iframe function calling iframe parent page javascript function what's best way reload iframe using javascript? how refresh iframe using javascript? frame reload

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