Wednesday 15 July 2015

json - slc loopback:model does not allow selection of datasource -

json - slc loopback:model does not allow selection of datasource -

following through tutorial , couldn't model creation allow me manually take datasource. automatically chooses "db (memory)"

numerous datasources created via "slc loopback:datasource"... datasource.json follow:

{ "db": { "name": "db", "connector": "memory" }, "accountdb": { "name": "accountdb", "connector": "memory" }, "anotherdb": { "name": "anotherdb", "connector": "mysql" }, "yetanotherdb": { "name": "yetanotherdb", "connector": "mongodb" }, "blah2db": { "name": "blah2db", "connector": "mysql" } }

when creating model:

[?] come in model name: account

[?] come in model name: account

[?] select data-source attach business relationship to: db (memory)

[?] expose business relationship via rest api? (y/n)

versions info:

node --version v0.10.31

slc --version strongloop v2.9.1 (node v0.10.31) ├── strong-build@0.2.1 ├─┬ strong-supervisor@1.0.1 │ └── strong-agent@0.4.14 ├── node-inspector@0.7.4 ├── strong-deploy@0.1.4 ├── strong-pm@1.2.0 ├── strong-registry@1.1.1 ├── nodefly-register@0.3.3 └── generator-loopback@1.3.1

i not able reproduce virtually same installation. os using?

also, sure, see next prompt (what pasted different):

[?] select data-source attach business relationship to: (use arrow keys) ❯ db (memory)

if/when see that, can please seek hitting down-arrow key: happens?

thanks, rand

json strongloop

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