Wednesday 15 July 2015

backbone.js - Complex validation of an enitre backbone model -

backbone.js - Complex validation of an enitre backbone model -

i utilize backbone's plugin backbone.validation model fields validations. great declarative way of validation, plugin introduces. i'm missing, way of validating not particular field, whole model. here i'd have:

var somemodel = backbone.model.extend({ validation: { field1: { required: true }, field2: { required: true }, field3: { required: true } 'whole model': function () { // method makes complex validation logic , expected // called each time validation of model (some fields) performed } } });

i can easy when not using backbone.validation plugin, how can same when i'm using it?

you can that, see here:

"you can phone call manually without parameters validate entire model."

the plugin overwrites backbone.model.prototype.validate behind scenes. if declared rules , phone call modelinstance.validate() should validate properties.

validation backbone.js

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