Saturday 15 August 2015

Capturing/Intercepting Android Intents during runtime -

Capturing/Intercepting Android Intents during runtime -

is there way capture/intercept intents of application during runtime without modifying android framework? modifying android framework might require much work. please help me.

to view intents happen, run logcat in shell , filter downwards intents this:

adb logcat | fgrep -i intent

(you can add together filter app's intents, exclude intents sent app scheme , other apps.)

this should show intents such as

i/activitymanager( 585): starting activity: intent { action=android.intent.action...}

to see system-wide intents, seek intent intercept app.

to see intents sent own classes, then

in each broadcastreceiver, override onreceive(context context, intent intent). in each activity, phone call getintent() intent started activity. in each service, override onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) intent started service.

for info on standard intent actions, see intent.

android android-intent runtime

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