Saturday 15 August 2015

Durandal dialog scrolling on overflow -

Durandal dialog scrolling on overflow -

using version 2.1.0 of durandal found problem not able prepare seems.

i'm using dialog content big screen, buttons - @ bottom of screen - kind of fall off, under screen.

this comes fact utilize visible bindings using knockout show , hide elements on dialog making durandal position wrong and/or not showing scrollbar dialog/screen when overflows.

does know how solve either getting scrollbar or repositioning on screen?

i have tried reposition method no success. tried both of these:

responsive dialog

durandal modal dialog

both did not help out , i'm still stuck on this. got thought how scrollbar on dialog or on screen can see buttons scrolling? or there improve way around this?

i'm not sure want

.modal-body { max-height: calc(100vh - 210px); overflow-y: auto; }


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