Saturday 15 August 2015

Set Timeout for MAX_AGI_CONNECT in Asterisk -

Set Timeout for MAX_AGI_CONNECT in Asterisk -

i have asterisk installed , zoiper softphone. whenever create call, there error displayed on asterisk :

warning[28761]: res_agi.c:1498 launch_netscript: fastagi connection 'agi://' timed out after max_agi_connect (2000) milliseconds. -- auto fallthrough, channel 'sip/123-0000003d' status 'unknown'

it takes approx 10 seconds connect call, time-out 2 sec, phone call never connected.

my question : how can alter default time-out 2000ms 15000ms ?

problem in point of dialplan there agi can't executed. it's this:

exten => ????,n,agi(agi://

if need have prepare script receive connection in proper way or alter dialplan.

in case realy need this, can change timeout in sources


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