Saturday 15 August 2015

Django dictionary object shows nothing in template but prints to console -

Django dictionary object shows nothing in template but prints to console -

following django's tutorials have called stored procedure , populated dictionary object.

@login_required def team_edit(request): user_instance = request.user user_id = cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("call test(%s)", user_id) #call db stored procedure results = dictfetchall(cursor) print(results) homecoming render_to_response('team_edit.html',results, context_instance=requestcontext(request)) # converts list dict def dictfetchall(cursor): "returns rows cursor dict" desc = cursor.description homecoming [ dict(zip([col[0] col in desc], row)) row in cursor.fetchall() ]

printing print(results) shows in console:

[{'private_league_name': "root's league", 'host_user_id': 1}, {'private_league_name': "joe's league", 'host_user_id': 3}]

however list in template shows nothing:

<h2>results test</h2><br> <ul> {% key, value in results.items %} <li> {{ key }}: {{ value }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul>

why this?

you misunderstanding dictionary used when calling render_to_response. if phone call

return render_to_response('team_edit.html',{'customer_id' : 5}, context_instance=requestcontext(request))

i able use


somewhere in template.

in case, want

return render_to_response('team_edit.html',{'results' : results}, context_instance=requestcontext(request))

however, notice results variable list, not dictionary, in template need like

{% result in results %} {% key, value in result %} ...

django django-templates django-views

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