Saturday 15 August 2015

regex - PHP Regular Expression to extract JSON data -

regex - PHP Regular Expression to extract JSON data -

i have next string:

window['test'] = false; window['options'] = true; window['data'] = { "id" : 2345, "stuff": [{"id":704,"name":"test"};`

how go extracting json info in window['data']? illustration info provided little sample of exists. there could more info before and/or after window['data'].

i've tried had no luck:

preg_match( '#window["test"] = (.*?);\s*$#m', $html, $matches );

there several issues can see.

your string uses single quotes: window['test'] not window["test"], have in regular expression. means should utilize double quotes enclose regular look (or escape quotes).

your regular look has unescaped brackets, used create character class. should utilize \[ instead of [.

you looking data regular look looks test.

you have $ @ end of regular expression, means won't match if there nil other whitespace after bit matched.

also info seems incomplete, there missing brackets @ end, think copy-paste error.

so try:

php > preg_match("#window\['data'\]\s*=\s*(.*?);#", $html, $matches); php > print_r($matches); array ( [0] => window['data'] = {"id":2345,"stuff":[{"id":704,"name":"test"}; [1] => {"id":2345,"stuff":[{"id":704,"name":"test"} )

of course of study must utilize json_decode() convert json string ($matches[1]) object or associative array can use.

php regex

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