Thursday 15 April 2010

javascript - sweet-alert display HTML code in text -

javascript - sweet-alert display HTML code in text -

i using sweet-alert plugin display alert. classical config (defaults), goes ok. when want add together html tag text, display <b>...</b> without making bold. after searching answer, looks don't have right search word...

how create sweetness alert display text html code?

var hh = "<b>test</b>"; swal({ title: "" + txt + "", text: "testno sporocilo za objekt " + hh + "", confirmbuttontext: "v redu", allowoutsideclick: "true" });

the sweetalert repo seems inactive. there's bunch of pull requests without replies, lastly merged pull request on nov 9, 2014.

i created sweetalert2 html back upwards in modal , other options customisation modal window - witdh, padding, esc button behavior, etc.

javascript sweetalert

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