Tuesday 15 June 2010

How to get userHomePath and groupHomePath to work in TYPO3 CMS 6.2.6 -

How to get userHomePath and groupHomePath to work in TYPO3 CMS 6.2.6 -

i have tried userhomepath , grouphomepath work in typo3 cms 6.2.6 no look.

i have configured next in install tool:

[be][lockrootpath] = /var/www/sitename/ [be][userhomepath] = 1:users/ [be][grouphomepath] = 1:groups/ [be][useruploaddir] = /uploads

the prefix 1: uid of default, auto created file storage fileadmin. in fileadmin directory have created next filestructor.

fileadmin users 1_admin 2 groups 1

as see have done right, still wont work.

the documentation little outdated compared install tool says:

can tell me i´m doing wrong?

the solution simple , found in: ext:core/classes/authentication/backenduserauthentication.php line 1588

$path = $userhomefilter . $this->user['uid'] . '_' . $this->user['username'] . $globals['typo3_conf_vars']['be']['useruploaddir'];

what learned here directory construction , configuration did not match. useruploaddir not, thought, directory upload prefix home directory self.

by setting:

[be][useruploaddir] =

... worked.

i of cause create uploads folder in every home directory did not see reason it.

typo3 typo3-6.2.x

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