Tuesday 15 June 2010

java - How to Submit Form Data from HTML to Someone's Skype Account -

java - How to Submit Form Data from HTML to Someone's Skype Account -

[scenario] there feedback form allows user input name, email address, subject, , message. before submitting form, user has alternative submit message via skype. if said alternative selected, when user clicks on submit button, message sent particular skype account.

is doable? can user send message without having log in own skype account?

this particular feature beingness requested client. havent started coding yet since im still trying see if request feasible or not.

no. not possible send message skype business relationship without logging one's own skype account.

think of in security viewpoint. if send messages without account, in our skype inbox spam.

but since have specified html, , forms, can utilize skype uri's open chat window desired topic, cannot send instant messages automatically.

<div id="chat_uri"> <script type="text/javascript"> skype.ui({ name: "chat", element: "chat_uri", participants: ["<target_skype_account>"], imagesize: 32, imagecolor: "white", topic: "information want send" }); </script> </div>

java html forms skype

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