Tuesday 15 June 2010

shell - Include Images in HTML email send from Unix Box -

shell - Include Images in HTML email send from Unix Box -

i have script sends html emails. trying include images html emails. possible ? file has utilize function. i'm not looking quick 1 liner instead of function because of file manipulations have done in script. when send out emails [x] instead of image.

email function of script.

#!/bin/bash email() { export mailto="adc@aol.com" export content="file" export subject="report" ( echo "subject: $subject" echo "to : $mailto" echo "mime-version: 1.0" echo "content-type: text/html" echo "content-disposition: inline" cat "$content" ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail $mailto } email

file sending "file"

<html> <body> <img src="/home/admin/afriendlycow.png"> </body> </html>

i effort seek file name instead of path such afriendlycow.png not work also.

you not attaching images. proper html email images multipart/related containing 1 text/html part , 1 or more image/* parts. should have content-id: header unique identifier value; html refers them using <img src="cid:identifier">.

html shell email unix

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