Tuesday 15 June 2010

ValueError with unpacking in python -

ValueError with unpacking in python -

for code below, error valueerror: need more 1 value unpack. reading txt file 5 different lines of content has more 1 line.

open("people.txt", 'r') infile: line in infile: ip,user,password = line.strip().split(',')

the text file looks this:


answered @parchment in comments located here.

then blank line problem. should add together check blank lines. – parchment

sample useful recipe:

in [17]: open("src.txt") f: ...: f_ in f: ...: if f_.strip(): # 1 quick way check blank lines. ...: one_,two_ = f_.strip().split(",") ...: print one_, two_ foo bar spam grok in [18]:


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