Sunday, 15 August 2010

android - Send uiautomator command over Command Line and get a return value -

android - Send uiautomator command over Command Line and get a return value -

i'm working android uiautomtor , want confirm pop-up-windows bluetooth requests. pop-up appears when want turn on bluetooth visibility. have confirm pressing button text "yes". phone call method of uiautomator using command line pc , works well!

i utilize code:

uiobject obj; boolean success; obj = new uiobject(new uiselector().text("yes")); success =;

this code working in test automation testing ui of android device. programm, calls method, runs long time , want know if button clicked correctly or not. click()-method returns true if id of ui-object found. need homecoming value analyze tests.

so here question:

is possible return/send boolean value of click()-method uiautomator testcase class command line?

if want see value of "success", use:

system.out.println("success = " + success);

it's not clear me if want farther utilize value in other parts of program.

android android-testing android-uiautomator

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