Sunday 15 August 2010

French characters inside JavaScript inside HTML inside XSLT -

French characters inside JavaScript inside HTML inside XSLT -

i have .xsl file has html looks this:

<input onblur="resettext(this,'octobre à décembre')" />

obviously, wouldn't work , have escape it. i've tried:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![cdata[ <input onblur="resettext(this,'octobre &agrave; d&eacute;cembre')" /> ]]></xsl:text>

this doesn't work , uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected identifier in browser.

what missing here?

obviously, wouldn't work is

there nil obvious it. in xslt, can utilize unicode characters without escaping (provided encoding utf-8 or similar). cannot utilize undefined entities such &agrave;.

if need output escape accented characters html entities, seek setting output method html (may not work every xslt processor).

javascript html xml xslt

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