Sunday 15 August 2010

HEAD and master denotations using github -

HEAD and master denotations using github -

i have been fumbling around on github, , help have managed create branch local master. however, these lines guess tracking things have been changed. don't want them!! want current files become new master are.

what these lines for? , how suppress them?

<<<<<<< head ======= >>>>>>> master

those lines signal merge conflicts in git. when merge, git @ automatically working out how merge files together, there cases cannot - example, when both branches adding same kind of area in same file, merge conflict.

in these cases, lines drawn around boundary of conflict. section above ======= belongs head ref (or whatever displayed after <<<<<<<). section below belongs master ref (or whatever displayed after >>>>>>>).

it's delete these lines , create according edit code. if want take on head ref in final version of code (post-merge), delete below ====== line - , visa versa if want take on master branch. of course, can take both versions of code removing markers.

you can see the git manual more information.


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