Sunday 15 August 2010

java - Mocking static fields with Mockito -

java - Mocking static fields with Mockito -

i have (it 3rd party library have work design):


classa normal class, , within there public static field (conn1). conn1 class have connection , other values used in application (in case objecta).

this value passed parameter in dao mocking. value mocked matchers.anyint() nullpointerexception because conn1 null (not expected int)

i tried things powermockito, whitebox, without success. have done this, same nullpointerexception

mockito.when(classa.conn1.getobjecta()).thenreturn(new objecta(2));

the question is, how can mock objecta or int value of objecta

import static x.y.z.mockito.*; objecta objecta = mock(objecta.class); when(objecta.getintvalue()).thenreturn(1)); conn conn1 = mock(conn.class); when(conn1.getobjecta()).thenreturn(objecta); classa.conn1 = conn1;

java unit-testing mocking mockito

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