Sunday 15 August 2010

angularjs - Protractor E2E Test - Blocked Browser Plugins -

angularjs - Protractor E2E Test - Blocked Browser Plugins -

i creating suite of tests rich angular app in protractor. site requires macromedia , proprietary plugin operate appropriately. have manually set "always allowed" flag on relevant plugins. when these plugins fail initialize, detection automatically prompts user install/update plugin. since browser blocks them when beingness run on selenium server, blocks standard anticipated flow of attempted e2e test.

right focusing on chrome testing.

is there setting haven't been able sleuth out either way permanently allow these in spawned chrome instance(s) or speedy plenty cursor allow blocked plugins.

can point me @ method of allowing these plugins?

about 30 seconds after posting question, found answer.

in protractor config file, adding capabilities chromeoptions :{args:['--always-authorize-plugins']} did trick.

class="snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override">exports.config = { //... capabilities: { browsername: 'chrome', chromeoptions: { args: ['--always-authorize-plugins'] } } //... };

angularjs protractor npapi ppapi

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