Sunday 15 August 2010 - Using Shell CMD.exe start with Web Links - - Using Shell CMD.exe start with Web Links -

i want start application through vb programme using shell("cmd.exe /c start, not seem work big web links.

for example:

class="lang-none prettyprint-override">endereco = ",shardbypass,cmbypass,id,itag,source,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=483ce9be39fe3df05f63765809aec7ba615017ff.dcc9f4c22ead12ef9edf1e00c24cd2a886a56e8&key=lh1" shell("cmd.exe /c start ""c:\program files (x86)\mpc-hc\mpc-hc.exe ", endereco)

this not seem work, gives error beingness converted short

you should utilize process.start(string, string).

process.start("c:\program files (x86)\mpc-hc\mpc-hc.exe", endereco) shell

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