Saturday 15 January 2011

activemq - How to monitor PooledConnectionFactory (via JMX?) -

activemq - How to monitor PooledConnectionFactory (via JMX?) -

i have client app consuming queue in activemq cluster. app running in tomcat 7 , uses camel (v2.10.3) , spring 3.1.2. utilize pooledconnectionfactory connect.

everything works while (sometimes days), of connections go away in pool (the activemq broker web console shows no consumers. figured idletimeout issue, adding suggested config didn't help. upgraded activemq-pool-5.10.0.jar, no luck.

so, i'm trying find out going on , hoping utilize jmx, can not find related mbeans (via jconsole) pool registers. there way monitor/control pool via jmx (or another/better way)?

my config fyi:

<bean id="jmsconnectionfactory" class="org.apache.activemq.activemwsslconnectionfactory"> <property name="brokerurl" value="failover://ssl://...."/> </bean> <bean id="pooledconnectionfactory" class="org.apache.activemq.pool.pooledconnectionfactory" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop"> <property name="connectionfactory" ref="jmsconnectionfactory"/> <property name="idletimeout" value="0"/> </bean>

as simple sounds, don't see other alternative other turn on trace level logging class. check out logs of question.

activemq jmx

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