Saturday 15 January 2011

java - change the Column series display name dynamically in Flex -

java - change the Column series display name dynamically in Flex -

how alter display name of column series of chart in flex, based on status (eg): if status year should year column series else should display month series

`<mx:columnseries displayname="ytd" fill="{sc11}" stroke="{s11}" yfield="yeargrosscharge"/> <mx:columnseries id="month_id" visible="false" includeinlayout="false" displayname="month" yfield="grosscharge"/> <mx:columnseries id="year_id" displayname="year" includeinlayout="true" yfield="grosscharge"/>`

i have tried month_id.visible="false" doesn't work?? pls give me idea...

the chart has series array property, should remove series not want display array. there no built in back upwards behaviour.

java flex

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