Saturday 15 January 2011

logging - How to make a .bat file and merge logs -

logging - How to make a .bat file and merge logs -

thank helps in web. must create .bat file,to merge many logfiles in same folder log's filename.

i made cmd program.

for %1 in (*.log) echo [%1] >> all.txt & type %1 >> all.txt

i can go goal in cmd,but .bat cannnot.

please help me!

** folder tree is

a folder a1.log a2.log a3.log... b foledr b1.log b2.log b3.log...

so,i want merge

a1,a2,a3.log⇒a_all.txt b1,b2,b3.log⇒b_all.txt

it not problem merged file name same all.txt. because want check 2 files winmerge.

try - variable percent signs need doubled in batch file.

@echo off %%a in (*.log) echo [%%a] >> all.txt & type "%%a" >> all.txt pause

batch-file logging merge cmd

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