Saturday, 15 January 2011

puppet - Unable to sign certificate. -

puppet - Unable to sign certificate. -

i trying hands puppet. boot 2 vm both running on linuxmint 17. intended 1 puppetmaster , 1 puppetclient. follow guide

in /etc/hostname in /etc/hosts master: localhost /// no chance puppetmaster // puppetclient //this client's ip address after nm-tool search.

client: localhost puppetclient puppetmaster // master's ip address

in both client , master created file in etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp

package { 'apache2': ensure => installed } service { 'apache2': ensure => true, enable => true, require => package['apache2'] }

in master created file in /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp

node '' { include apache2 }

in client create file /etc/default/puppet , set start=yes. here's think there's problem. in guide, file should exist in case have create it.

so followed in guide sign client certificate. typed in sudo puppetca --sign puppetclient in puppetmaster's terminal . didn't work , found solution in post. after reading post typed sudo puppet cert list --sign 'puppetclient'. gives me

notice: signed certificate request ca error: not find certificates request list

after first 5 pages of google search end here asking help. =) can help me resolve issue? thanks.

you cannot sign certificate before there certificate request.

you have found agent/master communication first.

find out certificate name of master puppet master --configprint certname

on agent node, create sure name resolves master's ip address (you used puppetmaster this, might suffice).

send initial request master

do on agent node.

puppet agent --test --master=<name registered>

the agent generates csr, , prints message not receive certificate.

sign certificate

on master:

puppet cert list

locate csr of agent, then

puppet cert sign <agent>

the next puppet agent --test phone call receive certificate.

puppet linuxmint

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