Saturday 15 January 2011

Javascript: Defining a map of functions -

Javascript: Defining a map of functions -

$("#searchtype").on('change', function () { var selectionaction = { all: loadall(), competitions: loadall("competitions"), clubs: loadall("clubs"), teams: loadall("teams") }; var selection = $("#searchtype").find('option:selected').val(); selectionaction[selection] });

see above code. thought when selection equals 1 of properties in object, corresponding function called.

e.g. when selection equals competitions invoke loadall("competitions") function.

instead finding when enters onchange function invokes functions.

what doing wrong here?

use anonymous functions create call. storing result of function phone call undefined

var selectionaction = { all: function(){loadall()}, competitions: function(){loadall("competitions")}, clubs: function(){loadall("clubs")}, teams: function(){loadall("teams")} }; var selection = $("#searchtype").find('option:selected').val(); selectionaction[selection]();// create sure phone call anonymous function

or, if prefer brevity,

$("#searchtype").on('change', function () { loadall($("#searchtype").find('option:selected').val().replace("all","").tolowercase()) });


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