Friday 15 April 2011

java - Spring, how to broadcast message to connected clients using websockets? -

java - Spring, how to broadcast message to connected clients using websockets? -

i trying utilize websockets in app. have followed tutorial:

it works perfectly.

when 1 of connected clients press button, method called:

@messagemapping("/hello") @sendto("/topic/greetings") public greeting greeting() throws exception { system.out.println("sending message..."); thread.sleep(1000); // simulated delay homecoming new greeting("hello!"); }

and message broadcasted of connected clients.

now want modify server app, broadcast messages periodically (each hour) of connected clients, without interaction clients.

something this(but not working obviously):

@scheduled(fixedrate = 3600000) public void sendmessage(){ seek { @sendto("/topic/greetings") greeting(); } grab (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } }

thx advices.

@sendto works in simpannotationmethodmessagehandler, initiated through subprotocolwebsockethandler, hance when websocketmessage received clients.

to accomplish requirements should inject @scheduled service simpmessagingtemplate brokermessagingtemplate , utilize directly:

@autowired private simpmessagingtemplate brokermessagingtemplate; ....... this.brokermessagingtemplate.convertandsend("/topic/greetings", "foo");

java spring stomp

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