Friday 15 April 2011

php - Using annotations to get a ChoiceList of Entity constatnts -

php - Using annotations to get a ChoiceList of Entity constatnts -

is possible utilize annotations choicelist or array of specific type of class/entity constants?

i mean this:

class user{ /** * @item(things,'label 1') */ const some_thing1=1; /** * @item(things,'label 2') */ const some_thing2=2; /** * @item(things,'label 3') */ const some_thing3=3; /** * @item(otherthings,'label 1') */ const some_other_thing1=1; /** * @item(otherthings,'label 2') */ const some_other_thing2=2; ... }

and then:

$builder->add('thing', 'choice', array( 'choice_list' => getchoicelistfromconsts('user','things') ));

and expect getchoicelistfromconsts('user','things') homecoming like:

array( 'label 1' => 1, 'label 2' => 2, 'label 3' => 3 );

is there build-in feature in symfony2 or there bundle provide such service?

php symfony2 annotations

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