Friday 15 April 2011

PHP Array with multiple lines -

PHP Array with multiple lines -

i have array looks illustration below. how value in first line (the sound file path)? have tried array_rand() gives me values letter letter. sorry if has been answered before, couldn't find myself. in advance.

array ( [0] => path/to/audiofile.mp3 3500440 audio/mpeg [1] => path/to/anotheraudiofile.mp3 5661582 audio/mpeg ... )

edit: var_dump gives me this:

array(2) { [0]=> string(98) "path/to/audiofile.mp3 3500440 audio/mpeg " [1]=> string(95) "path/to/anotheraudiofile.mp3 5661582 audio/mpeg "


have tried split on line homecoming ?

$tmp = explode(php_eol, $myarray[0]); $tmp = explode('"', $tmp[0]); $path = $tmp[1];

php arrays

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