Friday 15 April 2011

sql - Access 2010 Running Sum Field Query -

sql - Access 2010 Running Sum Field Query -

i've been lurking years next help requests, tips, , suggestions. time me ask. i'm trying create running sum query field. homecoming sum of invoices grouped monthly dates. however, i'd have running tally of financial year (by month) resulting table.

here's code far:

select [regions - branches].city branch, [regions - branches].region, [z market table].[cmarket], [z market table].[market segment], [time-table].[fiscal year], sum([dbo_a table - sql invoice level].[invoiced sales]) [sumofinvoiced sales], [time-table].month [factors - sw sales] [z market table] inner bring together ([time-table] inner bring together ([regions - branches] inner bring together [dbo_a table - sql invoice level] on [regions - branches].[branch number] = [dbo_a table - sql invoice level].[sales office]) on [time-table].[date] = [dbo_a table - sql invoice level].[invoice date]) on [z market table].sic = [dbo_a table - sql invoice level].industry grouping [regions - branches].city, [regions - branches].region, [z market table].[core market], [z market table].[market segment], [time-table].[fiscal year], [time-table].month having ((([regions - branches].region)="sw") , (([time-table].[fiscal year])=2015) , (([time-table].month)=9 or ([time-table].month)=8 or ([time-table].month)=7 or ([time-table].month)=6 or ([time-table].month)=5 or ([time-table].month)=4)) order [regions - branches].city;

i've been finding sources, such this:

but, i'm not sure how apply when calculate sums.

any thoughts , suggestions appreciated!

regards, rd

sql ms-access-2010 custom-fields

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