Friday 15 July 2011

android studio - Computed resValue from buildType and flavor -

android studio - Computed resValue from buildType and flavor -

my application composed of 3 build types: dev, stage , release. , 2 flavors: p2p , pro.

in build.gradle utilize resvalue define, each build type, scheme use:

custom_url_dev custom_url_stage custom_url_prod

i configure scheme flavor. like:

custom_url_pro_dev custom_url_p2p_dev custom_url_pro_stage custom_url_p2p_stage custom_url_pro_prod custom_url_p2p_prod

so basically, need compute resvalue current build type , current flavor. possible gradle? or there improve way result?

it more cumbersome, think you'll need type+flavor-specific resource files, , you'll customize in each individual file. directory construction this:

src main p2pdev res values strings.xml prodev res values strings.xml p2pstage res values strings.xml ...

android-studio android-gradle build.gradle android-productflavors

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