Friday 15 July 2011

Capture Blackmagic and other external video capture cards in Flash Actionscript 3 -

Capture Blackmagic and other external video capture cards in Flash Actionscript 3 -

the ustream flash web app allows select video source including attached capture cards. looking @ photographic camera class can't see alternative list capture cards in flash. there class or library returns list of video capture devices on system?

looking @ photographic camera class can't see alternative list capture cards

this wanted?:

//get array listing of cameras (aka capture devices) (var i:int = 0; < camera.names.length; i++) { trace("available device : " + camera.names[i]); //string of each device name }

camera.names.length let's know how many have (counting 0 first one, if available or else it'll give null).

to set specific photographic camera name string use: var str_camname_a : string = camera.names[0]; var str_camname_b : string = camera.names[1];

to show names in textbox or textfield use: mycameralist.text = str_camname_a

actionscript-3 flash video camera

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