Friday 15 July 2011

django 1.7 and connection pooling to PostgreSQL? -

django 1.7 and connection pooling to PostgreSQL? -

what differences between django apps (django-postgrespool, djorm-ext-pool, django-db-pool) , pg bouncer or pg pool?

do apps utilize 1 of lastly 2 packages?

in this article, author says there patch starting django 1.6. mean not have utilize of these solutions anymore, neither apps, nor pg bouncer or pg pool package?

postgres database connections expensive (resources) compared mysql connections. django pooling apps open many connections , maintain open.

pg bouncer , pg pool open fewer connections postgres, while maintaining big number of local connections (app pg bouncer/pg pool) , reuse them.

for best performance want both: persistent connections django pg pool / pg bouncer.

in our case switching persistent connections reduced average response time 10ms (over 20%) on aws.

django connection-pooling django-1.7 pgpool pgbouncer

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