Friday 15 July 2011

ios8 - XCODE iOS 8 iAD Load Error -

ios8 - XCODE iOS 8 iAD Load Error -

i have universal app has been in utilize several years iad banner working. first implemented in ios4, not utilize ".candisplaybanner" , utilize delegate. has worked in ios versions.

with xcode 6, still works on simulator , device, iphone , ipad, in development, when running on ios7 target (aka, developer advertisement loads of time). if run same build on ios8 target, same, advertisement load gets error (3) ads not available, , never become available.

as understand it, iad banner should homecoming ads in development - regardless of itunesconnect or provisioning. have changed ios settings->developer->(iad stuff), no effect. unfortunately, apple adviewbanner , iad docs appear have had formatting changes ios8, , still ios6 docs. searching net, can not find 1 else ios8 issue iad.

i can not determine coding issue/change ios8, or type of apple iad service issue. suggestions?

ios8 iad

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